This "Terms and Conditions" page regulates the rules of use of Please read the "Terms and Conditions" page carefully, and if you do not agree with them, do not use this website. Your use of indicates that you agree to and will abide by the rules on this page. Visitors to the website will respect the rules of Make Web Shift SRL, registered in the Trade Register with Reg. J40/14421/2022, CUI 46543579, provider of IT services, custom software development, web development, web design, artistic creation, graphic design, branding or other related services.
The use of the services or information offered on the website is equivalent to acceptance of the terms and conditions set out below. Make Web Shift SRL reserves the right to modify the content of the page "Terms and Conditions", without prior notification to users, which is why the user will have to check the updates each time the site is accessed.
Legislation on intellectual property rights protects the content and design of the Make Web Shift SRL site, for which no user can reproduce the materials displayed on this site without written permission from Make Web Shift SRL. Make Web Shift SRL reserves the right to modify, limit or suspend or terminate the user's access to all or part of the site content. Make Web Shift SRL does not guarantee the accuracy, correctness or timeliness of the information provided and assumes no liability for any damage, direct or indirect, suffered as a result of the use, interruption of use or lack of regularity of the information and services provided on the site.
The contact in order to obtain information and/or price offers is made through the email of Make Web Shift SRL, namely, or through the contact form available on the website.
The user has the obligation to provide correct, concrete and as complete as possible data, regarding the desired service, and Make Web Shift SRL is exonerated from any responsibility regarding possible misunderstandings between the parties, caused by lack of information, incorrect or incomplete information. Make Web Shift SRL has the right to request the user to complete or correct the information, in case it considers that the information has not been transmitted in a proper and elucidating way. Also, Make Web Shift SRL may request additional details when it considers that the information is necessary and for the benefit of the user, in order to be able to perform the service requested by the user in good faith. Make Web Shift SRL may use the e-mail address provided by the user to carry out communications regarding the requested or contracted services or may delete the request without informing the user.
Requesting the details of a service or filling in the contact form does not oblige Make Web Shift SRL to enter into a service contract. After the establishment of all the details regarding the requested service and the bilateral negotiation, Make Web Shift SRL reserves the right to conclude the service contract or to refuse its conclusion.
Payment for services will be made in accordance with and within the terms established by the service contract, agreed and signed by both parties.
Delays in payment may result in the suspension or termination of the contracted services, provided that the beneficiary is informed in advance of the delay. The services may be provided after paymenthas been made.
According to the requirements of Law no. 677/2001 for the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and the free movement of such data, as amended and supplemented, Make Web Shift SRL is obliged to manage safely and only for the specified purposes, the personal data you provide us about yourself, a member of your family or another person. The purpose of data collection is: to provide services and products according to the current offer. You are obliged to provide this data, as it is necessary to identify the recipient of the services or products provided. Your refusal makes it impossible to provide the service. The registered information is intended foruse by the operator and, where applicable, is communicated only to the following recipients: national/European/global registration authorities.
Any person has the right to object, free of charge and without any justification, to the processing of his/her personal data for direct marketing purposes. According to Law no. 677/2001, you have the right of access, the right to intervene on data, the right not to be subject to an individual decision and the right to take legal action. You also have the right to object to the processing of personal data concerning you and to request the deletion of data. You also have theright to take legal recourse. If some of the data about you are incorrect, please inform us as soon as possible.
Make Web Shift SRL is the owner of all materials and information presented on Copying, reproduction, distribution of materials and information presented on to third parties is prohibited.
It is forbidden to publish or transmit to or from this site illegal, threatening, defamatory, obscene, pornographic or any other material that may contravene the laws of the country related to the site.
The materials and content published on this site are provided "as is" without warranties of any kind, either express or implied, including warranties of merchantability, warranties of copyright compliance, or warranties offitness for a particular purpose.
Make WebShift is in all cases absolved of liability for any damages (including but not limited to damages for loss of profits, business interruption, loss of information) arising out of the use or inability to use the materials, even if Make Web Shift has been advised of the possibility of such damages.
All users of this site are subject to the terms and conditions set forth herein, so accessing the site implies acceptance of and compliance with the Terms and Conditions set forth herein. Make Web Shift SRL reserves the right to modify the content of the Terms and Conditions at any time, without prior notification to the user. Modifications made in this way are deemed to be accepted by the user, if the user continues to use the site after their posting in this document.
Aceasta pagina „Termeni si conditii” reglementeaza regulile de utilizare a Va rugam sa cititi cu atentie pagina „Termeni si conditii” si, daca nu sunteti de acord cu acestea, nu utilizati acest site. Utilizarea de catre dvs. a indica faptul ca sunteti de acord cu regulile de pe aceasta pagina si ca le veti respecta. Vizitatorii site-ului vor respecta regulile Make Web Shift SRL, inregistrata in Registrul Comertului cu Reg. J40/14421/2022, CUI 46543579, furnizor de servicii IT, dezvoltare software personalizat, dezvoltare web, web design, creatie artistica, design grafic, branding sau alte servicii conexe.
Utilizarea serviciilor sau informatiilor oferite pe site-ul echivaleaza cu acceptarea termenilor si conditiilor expuse mai jos. Make Web Shift SRL isi rezerva dreptul de a modifica continutul paginii “Termeni si Conditii”, fara notificarea in prealabil a utilizatorilor, fapt pentru care utilizatorul va trebui sa verifice actualizarile la fiecare accesare a site-ului.
Legislatia privind dreptul de proprietate intelectuala protejeaza continutul si design-ul site-ului Make Web Shift SRL, drept pentru care niciun utilizator nu poate reproduce materialele afisate pe acest site, fara a detine permisiunea scrisa din partea firmei Make Web Shift SRL.
Make Web Shift SRL isi rezerva dreptul sa modifice, sa limiteze sau sa suspende ori sa inceteze accesul utilizatorului la intreg continutul site-ului sau la o parte din acesta. Make Web Shift SRL nu garanteaza acuratetea, corectitudinea sau caracterul actual al informatiilor furnizare si nu isi asuma raspunderea pentru nicio dauna, directa sau indirecta, suferita ca urmare a utilizarii, intreruperii utilizarii ori a lipsei de regularitate a informatiilor si serviciilor furnizate pe site.
Contactul in vederea obtinerii de informatii si/sau oferte de pret se realizeaza prin intermediului email-ului firmei Make Web Shift SRL, respectiv, sau prin formularul de contact disponibil in site.
Utilizatorul are obligatia de a furniza date corecte, concrete si cat mai complete privind serviciul dorit, iar Make Web Shift SRL este exonerata de orice raspundere cu privire la eventualele neintelegeri intre parti, cauzate de lipsa informatiilor, a informatiilor incorecte sau incomplete. Make Web Shift SRL are dreptul de a solicita utilizatorului completarea sau corectarea informatiilor, in situatia in care aceasta considera ca informatiile nu au fost transmise intr-un mod corespunzator si elucidator. De asemenea, Make Web Shift SRL poate cere detalii suplimentare, atunci cand aceasta considera ca informatiile sunt necesare si in beneficiul utilizatorului, pentru a putea indeplini cu buna-credinta serviciul solicitat de catre utilizator. Make Web Shift SRL poate folosi adresa de e-mail furnizata de catre utilizator pentru a efectua comunicarile referitoare la serviciile solicitate sau contractate sau poate sterge cererea fara a instiinta utilizatorul.
Solicitarea detaliilor referitoare la un serviciu sau completarea formularului de contact nu obliga Make Web Shift SRL la incheierea contractului de prestari servicii. Ulterior stabilirii tuturor detaliilor referitoare la serviciul solicitat si a negocierii bilaterale, Make Web Shift SRL isi rezerva dreptul de a incheia contractul de prestari servicii sau de a refuza incheierea acestuia.
Plata serviciilor se va realiza conform si in termenele stabilite de contractul de prestari servicii, agreat si semnat de catre ambele parti.
Intarzierea efectuarii platii poate duce la suspendarea sau la incetarea serviciilor contractate, avand in vedere ca beneficiarul va fi informat in prealabil cu privire la intarziere. Serviciile vor putea fi prestate ulterior efectuarii platii.
Conform cerintelor Legii nr. 677/2001 pentru protectia persoanelor cu privire la prelucrarea datelor cu caracter personal si libera circulatie a acestor date, modificata si completata, Make Web Shift SRL are obligatia de a administra in conditii de siguranta si numai pentru scopurile specificate, datele personale pe care ni le furnizati despre dumneavoastra, un membru al familiei dumneavoastra ori o alta persoana. Scopul colectarii datelor este: furnizarea serviciilor si produselor conform ofertei curente. Sunteti obligat(a) sa furnizati aceste date, ele fiind necesare pentrua putea identifica destinatarul serviciilor sau produselor furnizate. Refuzul dumneavoastra determina imposibilitatea furnizarii serviciului. Informatiile inregistrate sunt destinate utilizarii de catre operator si, dupa caz, sunt communicate numai urmatorilor destinatari: autoritatile nationale/europene/mondiale de inregistrare.
Orice persoana are dreptul de a se opune, in mod gratuit si fara nicio justificare, la prelucrarile datelor sale personale in scopuri de marketing direct. Conform Legii nr. 677/2001, beneficiati de dreptul de acces, de interventie asupra datelor, dreptul de a nu fi supus unei decizii individuale si dreptul de a va adresa justitiei. Totodata, aveti dreptul sa va opuneti prelucrarii datelor personale care va privesc si sa solicitati stergerea datelor. De asemenea, va este recunoscut dreptul de a va adresa justitiei. Daca unele din datele despre dumneavoastra sunt incorecte, va rugam sa ne informati cat mai curand posibil.
Make Web Shift SRL este proprietarul tuturor materialelor si informatiilor prezentate pe Copierea, reproducerea, distribuirea materialelor si a informatiilor prezentate pe catre parti terte este interzisa.
Este interzisa publicarea sau transmiterea catre sau de la acest site a materialelor ilegale, amenintatoare, defaimatoare, obscene, pornografice sau a oricaror alte materiale care pot contraveni legilor din tara relationata de site.
Materialele si continutul publicate pe acest site sunt oferite “ca atare”, fara garantii explicite sau implicite de ori ce natura, inclusiv garantii de adecvare pentru scopuri comerciale, garantii de respectarea drepturilor de autor sau garantii de adecvare pentru vreun scop anume.
Make Web Shift este absolvita in toate cazurile de responsibilitate pentru orice daune (inclusiv, dar fara a se limita la daune pentru pierderi de profit, intreruperea activitatii, piederea informatiilor) ce decurg din utilizarea sau incapacitatea de utilizare a materialelor, chiar daca Make Web Shift a fost informata asupra posibilitatii aparitiei unor asemenea daune.
Toti utilizatorii prezentului site fac subiectul termenilor si conditiilor expuse, astfel incat accesarea site-ului presupune acceptarea si conformarea la Termenii si Conditiile prevazute in acest document. Make Web Shift SRL isi rezerva dreptul de a modifica in orice moment continutul Termenilor si Conditiilor, fara notificarea prealabila a utilizatorului. Modificarile realizate astfel sunt socotite a fi acceptate de catre utilizator, daca acesta continua sa foloseasca site-ul dupa afisarea lor in acest document.